The Voice weekly story

Boy stabbed to death over the place he lived 

Jaydon James was out with his friends in Coventry when he was attacked then later died in hospital. He had only turned 16 with the rest of his life ahead of him and his sister confirmed that he was targeted simply because of his postcode. She described him as "sweetest, funniest most kind-hearted boy".

Soft or Hard News?

This is an example of hard news seeing as there was a stabbing and death involved. The actions of one person led to the death of another and the grief of family and friends which makes it 100% hard news  

Click bait or Quality Journalism?

In my opinion this is quality journalism seeing as it is a very severe topic and was not published simply for the entertainment of the audience. It is a very sensitive article and is not advertised in a way to make people read for diversion


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