Videogames - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - blog tasks

Create a new blogpost called 'Metroid Prime 2: Echoes case study' and complete the following in-depth tasks.


Analyse the game cover for Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (above).

1) How does the cover communicate the genre of the game?

- Then font of the title seems slightly metallic which is a clear indication that the genre is science fiction. The main character (Samus Aran) has a costume which communicates the scince genre it is very shielded and quite exaggerated which is a well used detail in all products of this genre. 

2) What does the cover suggest regarding gameplay and audience pleasures?

From the cover you can infer that the gameplay requires skill 

3) Does the cover sexualise the character of Samus Aran? Why/why not?

No skin is shown and she is covered from head to toe 
Trailer analysis

Watch the trailer for the game:

1) What do you notice about genre?

Weaponry, location all communicate a sci-fi genre

2) How is the character introduced? Is Samus Aran obviously female?

Body shape and movement exaggerates a feminine vibe. It shows a cross-gender identification as male gamers are invited to play from a female's perspective.

3) How can we apply Steve Neale’s genre theory that discusses “repetition and difference”?

There is repetition with:
The difference is that the main character is actually a female which is unexpected

1) What does the gameplay for Metroid Prime 2: Echoes involve?

Involves action and puzzle solving within its gameplay. There is also some cut scenes between the gameplay but it doesn't contain much dialogue.

2) Write an analysis of the media language choices in the construction of the game: e.g. genre, narrative, mise-en-scene, camera shots etc.
You have to scan a lot of things and figure out a pathway to the end game. But these puzzles seem more easier and normal.

3) Analyse the clips for audience pleasures, applying audience theory and considering media effects.
Rigby's theory where people will play video games for relatedness and competence.


Research the audience for Nintendo and specifically the Metroid franchise, including Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. You may wish to start with the following pages:

Reddit discussion of why people play Metroid
Giant Bomb forum: Who exactly is Nintendo’s demographics?
Reset Era: Nintendo’s audience getting older

1) Who might the target audience be for Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, based on your research? Discuss demographics and psychographics.
Older audiences fit the demographic for this game since the first edition came out a long time ago. Most of the audiences who play Metroid are loyal fans who like nostalgia.

2) How has Nintendo’s audience changed since the original Metroid game in 1986?
The audience has changed as now the audience is getting older the gaming industry is growing into adulthood as more adults are getting involved with gaming.

3) What audience pleasures are offered by Metroid Prime 2: Echoes or the wider Metroid franchise?
One of the pleasures would be diversion. Since its just a game, people play it for fun and escapism. Also, they might also play it for personal relationships because it is a franchise.

4) What effects might Metroid have on audiences? Apply media effects theories (e.g. Bandura’s social learning theory, Gerbner’s cultivation theory). 
This experiment was done on kids where as the majority of Metroid users are much more older and desensitised to these video games.

Read this Gamesparks feature on gaming demographics and answer the following questions:

1) Who is considered to be the stereotypical gamer
There’s a stereotype that the only people who play videogames are adolescent boys.

2) What has changed this?
While AAA studios might still cater to the male 18-25 demographic, the truth is more than 50 percent of the gaming audience is made up of women. 

3) What role do women play in the videogames market? Quote statistics from the article here.
 A recent Pew survey found more women owned consoles than men. It said around 42 percent of women said they had either an Xbox or PlayStation in comparison to 37 percent of men.

4) Why are older gamers becoming a particularly important market for videogames producers? How can you link this to the Metroid franchise?
Many people who grew up during the period of the release of the Nintendo Entertainment System continue to game. Consoles are becoming more accessible and advanced.

5) What does the article suggest regarding audience pleasures and expectations for different generations of gamer?
There are various things that need to be considered like having less violent and harsh acts for children. The pleasures for women include relaxing after a long working day.


Read this Destructoid blog on the Metroid franchise. Answer the following:

1) Why has Metroid never quite fitted with the Nintendo brand?
This is because sci-fi has never suited the Nintendo brand as it originally for entertainment. 

2) What franchises have overtaken Metroid in the sci-fi hyper-realism genre in recent years?
 New franchises like Halo, Mass Effect, and now No Man's Sky have filled the space where Metroid had dominated

3) Why does the writer link old boy bands from the music industry to the Metroid franchise? Do you agree with this reading of the brand?
He does this to add more to the nostalgic feel. This creates a better experience for the gamers.

4) What is an ‘AAA’ or ‘triple-A game’ in the videogames industry?
title considered to be AAA is therefore expected to be a high quality game or to be among the year's bestsellers.

5) Do you think there will be further Metroid games featuring Samus Aran? Should there be?
It is a loved character where older individuals can enjoy to play for their nostalgic purposes. However, the controversy with Samus Aran might make it hard for them to produce another game with her as the main character.


Read this BBC3 feature on Samus Aran and answer the questions below:

1) What was notable about the original Metroid game in 1986
Those who completed the game fast enough were in for a shock: at the end Samus revealed herself to be a woman.

2) What were the inspirations behind the gameplay and construction of Metroid?
There inspirations came from games like Mario and Zelda, as well as the film Alien. They further developed the weapon and armour upgrade system used in Zelda.

3) Why are the endings to the original Metroid considered controversial?

Its because the gamer was rewarded by seeing Samus Aran take her clothes off the better the gamer does.

4) What reaction do you think the reveal of Samus Aran in a bikini would have got when the game was first released in 1986? Have attitudes towards women changed?

The approach would be very different as women's roles were completely different then and they were objectified  more than now. 

5) How have later versions of the Metroid franchise sexualised the character of Samus Aran?
The character became transgender because of the figure and aesthetic given to the character

6) How can we apply Liesbet van Zoonen’s work to Samus Aran and Metroid?

The character is socially constructed and these  reflect cultural and historical contexts and  objectification of the female body.

7) What did Brianna Wu suggest regarding the character of Samus Aran?

She says that the character is transgender.

8) Do you see Samus Aran as a feminist icon or simply another exploited female character?

Her character before was overly sexualised but is no longer an exploited female character.

Read this Houston Press feature on Samus Aran and entitled male gamers

Answer the following questions:

1) What does Anita Sarkeesian suggest regarding Samus Aran?

The faster you beat the game the more naked Samus will appear in the ending, with usually the best ending involving a two-piece bathing suit.

2) Why does Brianna Wu (and others) suggest Samus Aran may be transgender?

 Samus was originally portrayed to be 6’3” and more muscled in her appearance.

3) Why is Samus Aran useful for male gamers trying to argue videogames are not sexist?

Her character is always used as an example for an argument.If you question the number of female protagonists.

4) Why are Lara Croft, Zelda and Peach not ideal examples to argue for female equality in videogames?

Lara Croft will always be haunted by her cartoonish, sexual appearance in early games.

7) Does the videogame industry have a problem with gender? Provide evidence for your argument.

I think there has always been a problem with gender and i don't think that there will ever be a point where gender won't be an issue as there are always problems occurring with gender whether it be that women are sexualised too much etc.


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