The i : Autistic teen lock in solitary confinement

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Image result for autistic

Autistic teen is locked in solitary confinement in a care home 

A 17 year old girl called Bethany has been kept in solitary confinement for 9 months and has not step foot outside, even her father has to talk to her through a door and she is fed food through a hatch. She has diabetes and very rarely laughs or smiles. This isolation led to her self harming herself with a ball point pen which was left stabbed in her arm for many weeks however when her case came to light it was removed.

Soft news or Hard news?

In my opinion this leans more into hard news seeing as the lack of care for this female could and should be seen as a crime and it also looks down on Britain's care system (political).

How does it appeal to an audience?

In my opinion this could link to personal identity (blumler and katz) because many people have been treated badly or people that can relate because they are in care therefore this news story will interest them seeing as they will be able to sympathise more then people who haven't experienced similar situations.

To what extent does it reflect the values and ideologies of the newspaper? Is this an example of quality journalism or simply clickbait

This news story shows that they want to argue for the victims of the care system and the bad treatment they must experience, this is an example of quality journalism seeing as it is a very severe and detailed news stories which talks about all the individual problems this autistic victims has to deal with. It purposely explains how negative she is treated so they it opens the public's eye and gains an audience would also want change in the British care system.


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