The i : Lindsay Lohan punched after attempting to take refugee kids

Lindsay Lohan has come out in favour of Remain (Photo: John Phillips/Getty Images)

Lindsay Lohan punched in the face after she tries to take refugee 

She was out in Moscow and saw what seemed to be a homeless family on the streets who she says are "Syrian refugees" and she said she as "really worried about" them. She offers to take them two young sons to a hotel to watch a film because they should not be on the streets. The mother rejects her offer and then Lindsay Lohan tells the mother that she "should be doing what [she] can for [her] children, so they have a better life". The family then gather their belongings and walk away from Lindsay, when she then shouts to the boys "I won'y leave until I take you" and she tells the adults "Now I know who you are. Don't f*** with me". 

She accuses the couple of child trafficking, she shouts "You're taking these children, they want to go. I'm with you boys, don't worry, the whole world is seeing this right now." After a little while the woman punches Lindsay Lohan which makes her fall to the floor. She turns the camera and cries while holding her face.

Soft or hard news?

In my opinion this is soft news seeing as this is not nothing to do with a crime, economy, environmental or political. This whole news story revolves around the doing of a celebrity (Lindsay Lohan) which makes it soft news.  

News Values?

Immediacy: It happened recently

Elite person: Lindsay Lohan (famous)



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