Daily Mail (tabloid): Cristiano Ronaldo 'raped' model in hotel suite

The Portugese footballer smiled in a video on his Instagram as he told fans the rape accusations were fake newsIntimate: Ronaldo and Kathryn Moyorga, now 34, in the Las Vegas nightclub in 2009

Model in the picture on the let claims that Cristiano Ronaldo raped her in 2009 

Kathryn Mayorga, a 34-year-old teacher who had dreams of becoming a model at the time she says she was raped says that Cristiano Renaldo had raped her in a bathroom in a hotel suite (Las Vegas). After he had raped her she claims that he said 'sorry, I'm usually a gentleman'. 

Cristiano Ronaldo spoke upon the situation on an Instagram video saying : ‘No, no, no, no, no. What they said today? Fake, fake news',‘They want to promote [themselves by using] my name.'

The situation was taken to court by Kathryn Mayorga and unfortunately she says that she was left with suicidal thoughts after.

Is this soft news or hard news?

I feel as if this has features from both hard and soft news seeing as it is about a celebrity which is soft and involves gossip however it also involves the accusation of a very serious crime which is hard news

News Values:
Elite Nations or people: Cristiano Ronaldo is a famous person therefore people will be more interested.

I feel as if this is clickbait seeing as it talks upon the problems a famous person is experiencing and that is due to get attention from many.


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