A Level Media - End of year 1 exam: Learner response

Create a new blogpost on your Media Exam blog called 'End of Year 1 exam learner response' and work through the following tasks:

2) Read the mark scheme for this exam carefully, paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. Identify ONE point you could have added for the first three questions in Section A:

Q1 additional point/theory: 

Intertextuality: cover creates intertextual reference to King Kong stories/movies of 1950s
which engages audience using narrative.

Q2 additional point/theory/CSP reference:

Propp’s character types reflect traditional gender roles in wider culture – active male hero,
passive female heroine (‘damsel in distress’).
Bell boy characters reflects change in culture and society – traditionally masculine

role/appearance but ends advert in purple jacket putting on mascara.

Q3 additional point/theory/CSP reference:

Protest song with cultural significance: slavery, 13th amendment, ‘black codes’, documenting
discrimination in society and mass incarceration, link to Selma (director/cinematographer),
civil rights movement. Use of floating black square motif to build on lyrical references.

3) Section B requires you to write extended essays with 35 minutes and 5-7 well-developed paragraphs per question (excluding introduction and conclusion). Count the number of paragraphs you wrote for each question in Section B excluding your introduction/conclusion:

Q6 number of paragraphs: 2

Q7 number of paragraphs: 7

4) Question 6 (TV industry) was arguably the hardest question on the exam. Write a new paragraph that answers the question referring to either Capital or Deutschland 83 and the global TV industry. Use the indicative content in the mark scheme to help you.

To what extent do your television Close Study Products reflect the global nature of
the television industry?

5) Question 7 was a synoptic question that rewarded your ability to cover all four key concepts of Media. Write a new paragraph for this essay using the indicative content in the mark scheme to help you.


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