Men's Health CSP analysis

Men's Health analysis: blog task

Create a blogpost called 'Men's Health CSP analysis' and complete the following tasks.

1) Write a one-paragraph summary of your notes for each key concept from the booklet:

The cover lines are in capitals and the font is bold which emphasises that manliness and the heavy, aggressiveness of a a male. They have used stereotypical "male colours" (blue, grey and black). Reinforces traditional gender roles. The masthead to covered, depicting how the magazine is well-established. The model is Vin Diesel who is a very successful actor and this could make readers link how well you do in life to your appearance . Intertextuality in "gut gone in 60 seconds". They use direct mode of address which lets there be more of a connection between the audience and the magazine. There is use of alliteration and plosives (BLAST BODY FAT) which makes it catchy for the reader

The typical readers statistics are:
ABC1 men: 64%
AB men: 32%
C2DE: 36%

Media Language (e.g. conventions, narrative, genre etc.)

 They try to say you can be successful if your in good shape and they have used Vin Diesel as the cover image seeing as he is both successful and in good shape. 

Media Industries (e.g. Hearst Communications)

The Hearst Corporation publishes daily and weekly newspapers and magazines. The company
also operates television stations and radio stations, and cable networks; and provides information,
insights, analytics, and workflow solutions to finance, healthcare, and transportation markets. It
also offers automotive, electronic, and medical/pharmaceutical business information; ratings
agency; Internet and marketing services; television production; newspaper features distribution;

Media Audiences (e.g. demographics, psychographics, pleasures)

Aspirers and Succeeders are the main readers.However main streamers and explorers might also like this seeing as they like action and adventure and Vin Diesel stars on the cover.The demographics would be ABC1- C2DE. The readership of ABC1 men is 643 and the readership of AB men is 321. This is because of the cover lines etc.Also, the price of this magazine is £4.10, which is quite expensive, so a middle class man could afford this.

Media Representations (e.g. masculinity)

 They reinforce a macho, dominant man as being the ideal look for society by using Vin Diesel. Vin Diesel is the perfect image that males would aspire to be.

2) Identify three specific aspects/conventions (e.g. cover line, colour scheme, text, image etc.) from each page of the CSP that you could refer to in a future exam. Explain why that particular aspect of the CSP is important - think about connotations, representations, audience pleasures, reception theory etc.
Front cover: Vin Diesel

Basic colours: Black Blue Grey

"Slay winter Blues"
3) Type up three media theories that you think are particularly relevant to analysing Men's Health and explain why they are significant:
David Gauntlett, masculinity is a 'crisis'

Propp's character theory
Steve Neale, Genre theory


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