Representation of women in advertising
Read these extracts from an academic essay on gender in advertising by Reena Mistry. This was originally published in full in David Gauntlett's book 'Media, Gender and Identity'. Then, answer the following questions:
1) How does Mistry suggest advertising has changed since the mid-1990s?
- There are much more homosexual pictures and much more sexualised advertising which shows much more since the mid 1990's where things were much more conserved.
2) What kinds of female stereotypes were found in advertising in the 1940s and 1950s?
- The typical stereotypes were things such as men being better then women and stronger then females. Prior to war, feminist articulated the idea of women having a career. However, soon after 1945 women were made to feel guilty by warnings of the 'dangerous consequences to home'. In 1950, women's magazines led to something called 'feminine mystique'. This placed more importance on housewife chores and reinforced stereotypical ideals.
3) How did the increasing influence of clothes and make-up change representations of women in advertising?
-A second major area of expansion in production/consumption - clothes and make-up - led to women being increasingly portrayed as decorative (empty) objects.
4) Which theorist came up with the idea of the 'male gaze' and what does it refer to?
- The 'male gaze' was introduced by Laura Mulvey in 1975. Mulvey contends that scopophilia has been organised by societies patriarchy, they are constructed as entertainment for male voyeuristic pleasure. This also views them as passive and marginalised by society.
5) How did the representation of women change in the 1970s?
- Women were shown as much more progressive, The New Woman was supposed to be 'independent, confident and assertive, finding satisfaction in the world of work and recreation, seeking excitement, adventure and fulfillment'.
6) Why does van Zoonen suggest the 'new' representations of women in the 1970s and 1980s were only marginally different from the sexist representations of earlier years?
-Van Zoonen suggests the 'new' representations of women in the 1970s and 1980s were only marginally different from the sexist representations of earlier years because these images only undermined traditional female stereotypes by depicting it as superficial. Therefore, these women are being shown as more progressive by having a job, however in a more semiological approach.
7) What does Barthel suggest regarding advertising and male power?
Barthel highlights how 'today's young women can successfully storm the bastions of male power...without threatening their male counterparts' giving them assurance, underneath the suit they are still women, that 'no serious gender defection has occurred', so there is no threat to male power.
8) What does Richard Dyer suggest about the 'femme fatale' representation of women in adverts such as Christian Dior make-up?
- 8) In adverts like Christian Dior make-up women are shown that if they use their brand make-up, they will be sexually attractive and that her sexuality will be for her own enjoyment. However, Richard Dyer suggests that femme fatale images are something of a misinterpretation of women's liberation: 'Advertising agencies are trying to accommodate new feminist attitudes in their campaigns, often miss the point and equate of "liberation" with a type of aggressive sexuality and a very unliberated coy sexiness.'
Media Magazine: Beach Bodies v Real Women (MM54)
Now go to our Media Magazine archive and read the feature on Protein World's controversial 'Beach Bodies' marketing campaign in 2015. Read the feature and answer the questions below in the same blogpost as the questions above.
1) What was the Protein World 'Beach Bodies' campaign?
The ‘Are You Beach Body Ready?’ campaign launched by Protein World this spring caused a real stir amongst the media and consumers. Launched in Spring 2015 on London Underground, the PR team were clearly courting the female market (19-30) into looking their best for the beach this summer.
2) Why was it controversial?
The advert – featuring a tanned, blonde female in a full-frontal pose – generated so much controversy for the image of the woman used that in July 2015 the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority waded in.
3) What did the adverts suggest to audiences?
The model in the advert looks simultaneously seductive and aggressive. The use of a slim model for a 'weight loss collection' screams out to the audience: "are you slim enough to walk around on a beach?".
4) How did some audiences react?
5) What was the Dove Real Beauty campaign?
6) How has social media changed the way audiences can interact with advertising campaigns?
7) How can we apply van Zoonen's feminist theory and Stuart Hall's reception theory to these case studies?
8) Through studying the social and historical context of women in advertising, do you think representations of women in advertising have changed in the last 60 years?
Yes I think that throughout the last 60 years the representation of women has changed quite a lot but is still controversial.
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