Learner Response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
- Much better then last time (20/35)

www: Good well structured answer to Q3
ebi: Better understanding of PSB needed for Q2
2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point 
that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.

- Q1) Identify new audiences and revenue streams (horizontal int.)

- Q2) Channel 4 reinvests any profits back into programmes – this raises quality and benefits audiences.

-Q3) Gerbner’s cultivation theory suggested that heavy TV viewers developed ‘mean world
syndrome’ and saw society as far more dangerous than it actually is. This could be
considered a significant damaging effect. It could be argued the internet exacerbates this.

3) On a scale of 1-10 (1 = low, 10 = high), how much revision and preparation did you do for this assessment?

- 4/10

4) Look at your answer for Question 1. Did you manage to write about three different strategies and three different benefits? It's vital you read the question and follow it exactly.
- I wrote about vertical integration and synergy however I also included cross media regulation which is not classed as a strategy
5) Look at your answer for Question 2. Did you follow the question guidance and write about both the BBC and commercial broadcasters? What could you have added to this answer to reach a higher mark?

- In order to reach a higher mark I think that I shouldve revised more negatives about public service broadcasts because I didn't really have nothing to say for my against paragragh

6) Now look over your mark, teacher comments and the mark scheme for Question 3 - the 20 mark essay question on media effects theory. Write a new paragraph for this question based on the suggested theories/answers in the mark scheme. Make sure it is an extensive, detailed paragraph focused on the question and offering examples from the wider media.

Stanley Cohen's moral panic theory suggests that a type of person or group of people can become known as dangerous or a threat to society and the media uses this which makes audiences feel as if they have to be worried and this highlights the fact that the media have some type of control over people seeing as they can make people feel as if they are in some type of danger and this could be very damaging to people 


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