Binary oppositions and Ideology

1) What examples of binary opposition can you suggest from watching this clip?

They both explain their opinions very clearly. For example disabled and non disabled which Russel Brand believed was a big problem and that they were not paid enough attention to and another example of binary opposition was immigration and communities because a large amount of immigrants could negatively affect communities was Nigel Fargage's opinion however Russell Brand thought that immigration had nothing to do with the reason for the country doing bad.

2) What ideologies are on display in this clip?

That politicians are corrupted and that they don't really want what is best for people in general especially working class, immigrants or anyone that is not part of the elite group or upper class people.

Ideology and your own choice of clip:

1) What examples of binary opposition can you suggest from watching your clip?

From this clip I can clearly see that the model has no problem with people lightening their skin because she feels as if it is a personal decision and people do it for themselves not to please other people however the other woman feels as if it is wrong and people (specially black) feel as if they need to be lighter skin in order to be "beautiful".

2) What ideologies are on display in your clip?

One ideology that stands out is that people all over have made it seem as if the lighter your skin is the more pretty you are and this has made black people feel as if they need to do things such as lighten their skin however on the other hand it could also just be a personal preference and you genuinely just like being a lighter tone.  


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