Advertising: Narrative in advertising

1) How does the advert use narrative? Apply at least three narrative theories to the text, making specific reference to specific shots or key scenes in the advert.

-The use  of action codes (
Barthes theory) is used like when the girl is being recorded, which made more people watch her play leading to the next bit of the boy playing hockey. We can also see hero roles and villain roles which all comes from Propp's character theory. Todorov's theory of equilibrium for example the boy who plays hockey followed by the opposite of having no team to be involved or or be opposition to.

2) Read this BBC feature on some of the people in the advert. How does the advert use celebrities and less well-known people to create stories in the advert?

- The advert uses normal people and famous people in order for it to attract people in both ways. People will like the product because they will see that top celebrities are wearing them which brings more profit for them but the ordinary people make it better seeing as we can all relate to them 

3) Read this AdWeek feature and interview on the Nike London advert. How did the advert use technical codes (camerawork, mise-en-scene, editing etc.) to help create narratives that could connect with the audience?

Used a 360° camera that allowed it to create some interesting distortions and it let us see how many people were surrounding. Three cameras were used for the dunk to create a stereoscopic move. It was convenient to convey the feeling of hardship with all those balls around. This shows how they used different angles and shots in order to capture the ambience of the setting and represent it on camera in a way that felt realistic.

4) What representation of London does the advert offer?

-It very clearly shows how the life in London is and is very accurate with how it is down here and the structure of the whole advert makes perfect sense seeing as stays linking to the life of London all the way but still makes sense.

5) Why might this advert appeal to an audience?

- In my opinion the main reason people can appeal to this advert is because of how relatable people in London can be to it, the accurate representation of every day life is shown clearly so many people can compare to some of the people involved 


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