Representation theory

1) Why is representation an important concept in Media Studies?

It is important as it gives us a idea of what something is like. The way something is represented is extremely important in media because we can analyse from this.

2) How does the example of Kate Middleton show the way different meanings can be created in the media?

This shows the way things can clearly be represented and shown in one way when it is something completely different, it has been manipulated and played with and this happens a lot of times in the media.

3) Summarise the section 'The how, who and why of media representation' in 50 words.

 When creating a media piece producers will think about expectations and needs of the target audience the limitations provided by genre codes the type of narrative they wish to create and their institutional remit.  Everything shown by the media has been created in a way to show a message or presentation of someone or something.

4) How does Stuart Hall's theory of preferred and oppositional readings fit with representation?

Hall's theory means that the audience choose what they want to believe and that they are not passive at all, the way the audience take in information is the way they have CHOSEN to see it.

5) How has new technology changed the way representations are created in the media?

New technology has changed the way representations are created in the media as their are an increase in audience constructed media products which means more ideas are being constructed from different viewpoints. 

6) What example if provided of how national identity is represented in Britain - and how some audiences use social media to challenge this?

Old media forms have always attempted to define and construct an identity for their audience, using certain types of representation to prescribe how people think about themselves and others. National identity is invariably raised during national sports competitions. Our politicians seemed keen to represent themselves, reinforcing The Sun’s messages about what it means to be British. However, social media forums and
comment pages allowed many people to voice their rejection of the messages. Through self representation, they were able to show that they distanced themselves from the values in the tabloid newspaper.


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