
1) What is regulation and why do media industries need to be regulated?

Systems of regulation are required to provide rules and regulations to ensure that organisations operate fairly. In the media industry there are several regulatory bodies that exist to monitor the way that their industries work. Broadcast media (TV
and Radio) are regulated by OFCOM – the OFfice of COMmunication
and the advertising industry is regulated by the Advertising Standards

2) What is OFCOM responsible for?

OFCOM is responsible for regulating television, radio, telephone services and some aspects of the internet.

3) Look at the section on the OFCOM broadcasting code. Which do you think are the three most important sections of the broadcasting code and why?

I think section 1 is the most important because under 18's being exposed to too much could really affect the way they love life and the way they act seeing as they are still vulnerable. I also think that section 4 (religion) is important because people hold this very close to them and it should be respected, and Section 8 (privacy) just like religion should also be respected. 

4) Do you agree with OFCOM that Channel 4 was wrong to broadcast 'Wolverine' at 6.55pm on a Sunday evening? Why?
I agree with this because being 6.55 on a Sunday is a time when children are still awake and families want to spend time together so the fact that these kids are being exposed to the violence is quite unprofessional seeing as parents probably do not want their children exposed to such things. 

5) List five of the sections in the old Press Complaints Commission's Code of Practice.
Section 1 is Accuracy
Section 2 is Opportunity to Reply
Section 3 is Privacy
Section 4 is Harassment
Section 5 is Intrusion Into Grief and Shock

6) Why was the Press Complaints Commission criticised?
Because people found out that rules were being broken however nothing was done to stop this.

7) What was the Leveson enquiry and why was it set up?

An inquiry into the “culture, practice 
and ethics of the press”, came about as a result of a phone hacking scandal.

8) What was the PCC replaced with in 2014?
It was replaced by the Independent Press Standards Organisation. The same codes that were followed by PCC were followed by the Independent Press Standards Organisation. 

9) What is your opinion on press regulation? Is a free press an important part of living in a democracy or should newspapers face statutory regulation like TV and radio?
In my opinion press regulation is necessary in some situations, for example, in News it is needed because they must tell the true story and not let their own opinion take over.

10) Why is the internet so difficult to regulate?
I think that the amount of people that use the internet make a big impact on why it is so difficult to regulate because something negative could be posted in one place and then millions of people could repost it in many other places.


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