
What are industries?

- The people (companies involved in the running of the media for example publishers, channels, film studios, distributors.

- The improvement of technology has changed the way industries are set up.

- Regulations (rules) control media in the UK.

-The point of the media is to give the public information/entertainment (public service broadcasting) and not for profit.

There are key terms which are need to know in order to understand media industries better:

-Diversification - Diversification is when a media company branches out into a different                           area of the industry. For example, streaming as a option of new                                          and digital media.

-Synergy - Synergy is loads of different types of media come from the same product, e.g                    Harry Potter has plays, books, movies.

-Vertical integration - When a media company owns a range of businesses
-Conglomerate ownership - A large company composed of a number of                                                                            smaller companies (subsidiaries). 

-Cross media regulation - When two companies merge or diversify (e.g. vertical or                                        horizontal integration).

- In the early 1980's around 50 different companies owned 90% of the USA media ( by 1992 it dropped)
-There are 6 major conglomerates (Walt Disney, Comcast, 21st Century Fox, Time Warner CBS, Viacom)
- They hold interest in news, sports, music, movies, onlime streaming etc.
- Comcast are the largest, most successful company, covering more then half of USA citizens.


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