Audience Theory 2

1) Social learning theory has been criticised for simplifying the causes of violence in society. Do you think the media is responsible for anti-social behaviour and violence?

- I think that anti-social behavior and violence can be partially blamed on media but not fully because there is other things that can result in people becoming violent. For example the upbringing of a person or past experiences could have a large impact on the way they act however some people could be very passive or be intruiged by villains in movies.

2) How is social learning theory relevant in the digital age? Are young people now learning behaviour from social media and the internet? Give examples.

- In my opinion the social learning theory is not as relevant now because audiences are not as easily influenced as before. For example in the 1930's when it was World War 2, Adolf Hitler had someone in charge of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels. This was a way of Hitler making the people of Germany think that he was great and wanted the best for them and since people were not really educated on this they were really passive to this information and believed everything that was told to them.

3) Research five examples of moral panic from the last 50 years. To what extent was the media responsible for these moral panics? Was the concern in society justified? How have things changed as a result of these moral panics?

- One common moral panic which was very known was the Ebola panic of 2014 which had around 12,000 victims and 4,000 dead. This gave people a shock seeing as there was a disease so deadly roaming around the atmosphere.
- Another moral panic is young people drink driving which is an unfortunate reason for thousands of deaths across the world. I think that media is not to blame for this because we see lots of ads that warn youth about drink driving instead of promoting it. 
- Trafficking is also a moral panic seeing as many people, especially young females are kidnapped so they can be used for sexual favours. It is rare for the media to be responsible for advertising this.
- Gang violence:This has increased a lot over the last couple years and I think that media can be blamed to a small extent seeing as gang activities are glorified a lot through the media, e.g drugs, crime.

4) Read this introduction to an academic paper on technopanics. What examples are given of technopanics that create fear in society?

- child safety, digital privacy, and cyber security

5) How does the author suggest that technopanics should be addressed - rather than through government regulation?

- The author says that documents are published through government however this information could be edited and not be valid.

6) Do you think the internet should be regulated? Should the government try and control what we can access online?

- I think this to a high extent. I see that there is an attempt to try and control what we can see online, for example if their is 18+ websites or apps there will be a warning saying that you must be over 18 however all you have to do if you are under 18 is act as if you are of age. This shows that the restrictions are not strict enough.

7) Apply Gerbner's cultivation theory to new and digital media. Is the internet creating a fearful population? Are we becoming desensitised to online threats, trolling and abuse? 

- In our modern day more people use the internet therefore we have gotten used to threats that come online or any other type of danger however the people who do not use internet as much as most people may still have a fear of these things (fearful population)

8) Is heavy internet use something we should be worried about in society? How would you define 'heavy internet use'? 

- Heavy internet use is something we should worry about because people have become more lazy and they communicate through media instead of real life which is not healthy. I would define it as becoming absolutely dependant on the internet and not being able to survive without it.  


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