
Mise-en-scene blog task

Remember the mnemonic that will help you recall the different aspects of mise-en-scene: CLAMPS.
  • Costume
  • Lighting
  • Actor (placement and movement)
  • Make-up
  • Props
  • Setting

Image result for itThe first film I will be analysing is IT:

The film IT mainly uses costume to set the scene and in this case the costume used is a clown which commonly known to be a children friendly
character however in this film the clown is a vicious murderer which contrasts with the real life job of a clown. In the mise-en-scene on the right we can see that the lighting is in the day and the setting seems to be a normal, average field however the costume, make-up and movement of the actor makes the scene seem very threatening. The facial expression on the actor is clearly a smile however it appears to be a disturbing happiness and where he is set is unusual because clowns do not belong in abandoned fields. He is also carrying a balloon which you could say is a major part of his character (prop)
seeing as it represents that he is near, this is irregular because they've given this murderer a item which is very innocent and playful which also contrasts with the real life use of a balloon.

Related image
In this mise-en-scene you can get a clearer view of the setting (outdoors) and you can see the juxtaposition between the main character and his surroundings. The environment around him consists of trees, grass (nature) and you can see what seems to be a neglected house so the fact that there is a clown in the centre of the image is odd.


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