reception theory

According to reception theory, ‘the media attempts to transmit specific messages to audiences, but audiences are free to interpret these messages in a variety of ways – or even reject them’.

How valid are reception theory’s claims about audience responses? [25 marks]

Dominant, Preferred or Hegemonic Reading: what the producer/creator intends – the ‘natural’ reading

Negotiated Reading: a middle ground between the producer’s intentions and the audience’s individual views

Oppositional or ‘Counter-Hegemonic’ Reading: an alternative reading that is actively against the producer’s intentions.

Image result for 50 cent reebok

In this advert we see 50 cent a very well known rapper who didn't have the easiest upbringing and is known for being involved in illegal activities and being shot several times. this has a big impact on the way people think because people may have a dominant, preferred or hegemonic reading so they might say that the advertisement is trying to come across as slightly inspirational seeing as they used someone who once was a criminal and turned out to be very successful. This is probably trying to send a message to criminals everywhere, trying to say that you should make the most of your life and not waste your time doing things you shouldn't be doing. The quote they put on the side is also quite inspirational seeing as it is coming from a person who can relate to a wide range of criminals. 

However some people may be completely against the dominant reading and they might have a oppositional or 'counter-hegemonic' reading. Some people could argue that it is idolising criminality and making it seem as if it is something to be proud of, the whole setting of the advertisement including the finger prints in the background all show that the promotion is trying to revolve around criminals. This could offend some people because some people could argue that it is reinforcing the myth that "black males are all aggressive criminals" seeing as they chose a black male artist to promote criminality and not another male of another ethnicity.

On the other hand some people might think in between the dominant and oppositional reading and they could have a negotiated reading .   They could argue that the advertisement does show off criminals however they have chosen a criminal which became successful.


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