Texual Analysis

Image result for makeup magazine

1) What type of text is it?

- It is a magazine.

2) How do you know? What are the key conventions that allowed you to identify the text?

- It has a title which makes it obvious that it is a magazine and it has a central image, the layout of the text makes it very obvious that it is a magazine.

You  can also tell that it is aimed at a younger audience seeing as it has a small amount of text.

3) In your opinion, who is the target audience for this media text?

- In my opinion the target audience is youth/young adults because it is about make up which is more of a teenage topic or interest and its not really much of a thing that elderly people would be interested in

4) How would this audience access the text? E.g. where/when would they consume it? Using what device?

- This audience could access this text via the internet which makes it simple for them because most youth have access to some type of internet whether it is a laptop or phone. They could also just buy the magazine which is unlikely.

5) What values, ideologies and beliefs in society are reinforced or challenged in this media text?

-  The main person on the magazine is white which is what make up brands usually use for advertisement instead of people of another skin colour


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