Former President George H.W. Bush Dies at 94

Image result for george hw bushFormer President George H.W. Bush Dies at 94

George H.W Bush passed away on Friday 30th November in Houston in late hours. It is reported that his final words were to his son telling him he loves him. George H.W Bush was the 41st President of the United States and had gained respect from many significant figures such as Barack Obama who also paid his condolences on Twitter. 
This is an example of hard news seeing as it is reporting on a death of someone who had a large influence over the whole United States as a President. This could be important politically because a large audience probably had the same beliefs as George H.W Bush.

News Values are:

Immediacy: Just happened recently
Elite nations/People: As he was the 41st President of the United States.

I do not feel like this is clickbait, I classify more as quality journalism because it is an event that some people may be interested in and is not reported on for the entertainment of people.


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