Read these extracts from an academic essay on gender in advertising by Reena Mistry . This was originally published in full in David Gauntlett's book 'Media, Gender and Identity'. Then, answer the following questions: 1) How does Mistry suggest advertising has changed since the mid-1990s? - There are much more homosexual pictures and much more sexualised advertising which shows much more since the mid 1990's where things were much more conserved. 2) What kinds of female stereotypes were found in advertising in the 1940s and 1950s? - The typical stereotypes were things such as men being better then women and stronger then females. Prior to war, feminist articulated the idea of women having a career. However, soon after 1945 women were made to feel guilty by warnings of the 'dangerous consequences to home'. In 1950, women's magazines led to something called 'feminine mystique'. This placed more importance on housewife chores and reinforced stere...